Tuesday 13 January 2015

The jetty

The wind was blowing strongly
The waves crashing as they came
The waters rough and turbulent
No they were not placid...never tame
I felt so exhilarated by those waters
I felt so overjoyed...enthralled...amazed
It was magnificent just to be there
At the very end of that jetty...that pier
Watching...breathing...being entertained
The power and the glory there unchained
Huge waves upon the reef were pounding
Brisk winds teasing, blowing, unrestrained
I felt refreshed...and so much more so
This feeling left me breathless...unexplained
The rawness of this magnificent beauty
The natural pleasure to be gained
As I took in massive lung fulls...
Of that fresh clean ocean air
Ah Lord it was just so amazing
To feel so close to you as I exhaled
To feel the power of blessed nature
To feel so invigorated...so alive!

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