Thursday 15 January 2015

My angel Noelle

My angel heard my plea
She quickly phoned me
Knew I needed to cry out
Knew I felt the need to shout
Dear angel Noelle thank you
For giving me a few precious
Minutes of your time
For staying on the line
For allowing me to vent
For showing me you are
Most definitely heaven sent
Remember when you cried out
Remember when it was reversed
Then it was that you needed me
Now I thank you in return
For knowing of my time of need
For listening to my tears
For not judging me
For simply being here for me!
Thank you Lord for your angels
Be they earthly or heavenly
You know just what we need and when
For you Lord have been close
For you Lord know exactly what it is
That will help us
When we are lost and stumbling...

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