Saturday 17 January 2015


Thought to go and have a swim
Guess it was a silly whim
The waves were crashing, huge
Certainly I found no refuge
Though I tried to enter in
Though I tried to have my swim
There was no way I could succeed
Those waves simply refused
I battled valiantly on
Determined to get my exercise
Thank God for my snorkel
Thank God for my goggles
Saved me from drinking brine
But as I struggled I had a great time
Then as I looked around
Two surfers came bearing down
Just as well they saw me then
For they swerved and missed
Thank you Lord for showing me
That though we struggle long
The end result is so sweet
For such is life you must admit
The ups the downs the roundabouts
All bring us to a better end
As long it is Christ on whom we depend!

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