Saturday 24 January 2015

Honey biscuits

2 1/2 lbs plain flour
I lb brown sugar
1 tablespoon bi carb soda
I cup hot water
1 lb honey
2 tablespoons lard
I tablespoon ground cloves

Dissolve honey and sugar in hot water
Rub lard into flour and clove mixture
Make a well in the flour
Stir in the strained honey mixture
Add bi carb soda dissolved in hot water
Mix all together

Leave overnight
Covered in plastic wrap

Roll out and bake in a hot oven
200 degrees C about 10 minutes

Icing mixture:
2 egg whites
1/2 juiced lemon
Enough icing sugar to make a thick paste

Paint onto warm biscuits
Put back into oven to dry off
For a few minutes (sets the icing)

Mum made these many times
They were the best honey biscuits
I have ever this day!

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