Saturday 17 January 2015

New Year's resolutions

This year has exploded
It flies quickly forward
It has taken off at a run
The first month is almost done
Dear Lord we make our resolutions
We think to change our lives
Yet those wishes that we garner
Are they enough of a safe harbour?
Do we truly expect to find success?
Many have already faltered: such a loss!
'Ere the first month is barely done
Instead of simple wishes
We must be resolute: must follow through
We must take God's power
And use it as we do His Son's
It is only through dear Jesus
That we are able
To conquer all our troubles
That we are able
To find our way through
These mazes and over these
Hurdles that come...
So come Lord Jesus
Be my strength
Stay with me throughout the year
Help me stand up in this life
Help me conquer all my fears

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