Sunday 4 January 2015

Hurricane Suzie

Did one of those Facebook things
About how I lose my temper...
Apparently I'm like the stormy weather
A hurricane...

Am I really that bad?
Do they all go running?
As I'm about to blow...
As I'm about to let go...

Well I know I used to blow
Used to erupt and just explode
Haven't I improved with age?
Am I ever gonna be at some other stage?

Do these stormy winds that blow?
Really and truly show
That I haven't changed
That I'm still the same?

For many years I'd stand up
And beg for a fight
Didn't know it would take so long
To realise...for it to sink in...

You don't have to argue
You don't have to fight
You can escape the danger
Simply go aside and pray!

Then instead of inviting in
That evil slimy snake
Give him a miss
Pray for guidance

Pray for help
Then when angels hear
They will come ever near
They are God's messengers

They will bring good cheer
Joyfully intercede my dear
Choose peace and love
Choose the heavens above!

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