Saturday 17 January 2015

Thought word and deed

Each day I pray for my dear Lord
To guide my every thought word and deed
Guide me ever nearer
Do not leave me to flounder
For the world cries out it's great need
So many need your living water
So many thirst, starve
They grasp at any straw
Though they seek to find you
Yet still they remain poor...
For if we are not decided
If we do not really mean it
We will be among the many who fall
So hear God's word, hear His call!
Offer up your self and serve Him
Be a guiding light and bring them
All those lost ones who stumble and fall
Remember all that Jesus gave us
Remember all that He took from us
Carried them for us so we wouldn't fall
That painful cross He died upon
To show He can be relied on
For the Father who raised Him up
Is ready to raise us all
So fear not weary traveller
Fear not: simply accept my call
I've already paid your price dear
For though many years have passed now
For many lives have disappeared
Yet still I work your salvation
Still I beg you to draw near
My Father is all powerful
My Father loves you dear
Give unto Him your surrender
Give into Him your life
For He has already saved you
He has already sacrificed: it's true
All this has He, your Father
Done for you!

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