Tuesday 27 January 2015

The hours

The hours drag by each day
The minutes disappear at will
Seconds tick and still I say
There's got to be a better way
Thoughts fly through my head
Though I'd rather get out of bed
Still sadness comes to roost
Like a vulture it sits and stares
Waiting for me to give in to it's glares
I could let sadness take control
But though the temptation pulls
I'd much rather fight that urge
Much rather be happy, damn the rest
I will not give in to nastiness
I'd rather fly the human coop
Than fall as low as them and stoop
To harsh words and anger: true
I will not give in to you
Satan; just piss off I will not be
Another one of your success stories
Though you tempt and though you try
I say "be gone: I will not allow you in"
My Lord has already saved me from sin
Already He has taken my burden unto Him
Jesus has granted me eternal life
Though I struggle still each day
There are times when sadness wins
But though I slip and though I fall
I will not surrender up my will
To evil surmisings if you will
For I know just what that viper says
As he whispers and he stirs the pot
I have already surrendered up my will to Him
Yes to Him who gave me everything
To Jesus my saviour: to Him I give
My allegiance...my hope...my love
He who came to earth to save us all
Yes to Him I surrender everything
 For already He is preparing
To come again to save us all
Yes my Lord is coming in the clouds
Soon He will be here on earth again
Soon my dearest Jesus will come again
Just as He always promised that He would!

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