Tuesday 18 February 2014

An understanding heart

My dearest Lord has given me
An understanding heart
In my life to sustain me
No great powers endowed
Just the power of love for sure
For here is the power and glory too
To see inside another’s heart
And find the story there in deep repose
For then if I open up this heart of mine
Surely those who look will find
That my dearest Lord lives here inside
He claims this heart as His domain
This is what I gain; the plus!
This loving heart within my breast
Surely has been truly blessed
Only love will guide me so
Only my dearest Lord is in “The Know”
He sees inside my very soul
He knows all that inside me glows
My dearest Lord who gave for me
His precious blood that flowed so red
My sins He took upon His head
Oh dearest Lord I feel so high
Because that day that I did cry
T’was then I fully realised
What you truly did for me!
You left the wondrous heavens behind
You gave your life for all mankind
And as I cried my tears of pain
I finally saw how you were slain
Your purest heart gave up the ghost
Your body emptied; broken thus
Promised this to all of us
That when you left this earthly world
When your soul was taken up
Amongst the holy angels on the high
You promised that you would return.
In three days you returned to say
When the allotted time should pass as just
You would return and take us up
No matter what happened to our earthly crust
You would renew us from this dust
And then in blissful rapture blessed
You would take us up into your heavenliness
To live with you throughout eternity
That where you went, we would go with thee
Oh dearest Lord this thankful heart
Appreciates every tear and drop of blood
That from thy riven side did fall
Upon that earth beneath the cross
Accepting all thy blessings thus
Dearest Lord, how can we now?
Not accept your every vow
Given unto all who love thy name
Unto all who call upon your blessed name?
Dear Jesus, Light of all the world
Please let me accept your blessed call!

Right here and right now!

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