Saturday 15 February 2014

Sticking point

Everyone has a sticking point
For some it is alcohol or cigarettes
For some it another man-made drug
Like speed or heroin: what ever it is?
It needs to be tossed into the rubbish bin!
My sticking point has been my self-esteem
Never really had any to speak of I guess
I felt like I was always somewhat less: than everyone
Like I was always second best: so out of it
Yeah I guess that's why I could never fit
Never had the notion that I had any motion
Any magic thing that could make me sing
Oh How I wanted to sing: dreamt of fitting in
In dreams I was always being chased away
I'd try to float but always had that sinking feeling
Felt those hands grabbing; dragging me down
Never letting me rise above that emptiness
The incompleteness: helplessness; lacking confidence
Yes that was always the story of my younger life!

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