Friday, 14 February 2014

God alone

If laughter will always be the best medicine!
And silence will always be the best revenge!
And love will always be all you need!
How come so many live in sadness?
How come so many cannot bear to laugh alone?
How come love can become such a disaster?
How come so many are so disaster prone?
Why is life so difficult when the answers are there?
Right before our very eyes: why will we not see?
Why will we continue in these miserable lives?
God has all the wonderful answers: He rules heaven
God has made it all so simple: for us is granted
A life eternal for ever to be by His blessed side
Yet man continues to ignore the blessings
Continues on his own merry little way
Ignoring all the Bible's answers: 
Ignoring God all their living days!
Lord there are so many lost along the way
They just cannot see the well trodden path 
They just have to struggle all the long, long day!
They just will not surrender all to you
They cannot see how much easier life is
When we give all our worries to you Lord

And just allow you to hold sway!

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