Monday 3 February 2014

Battle of the bulge

I'm fighting an on-going battle
A battle of the bulge!
It's getting me down a bit
This truth I must divulge!
I used to be such a tiny thing
I really was a little squirt
Size 6 to 8 was the norm: BC
Before Children that is!
Well now I'm heading towards 60
Getting closer by the year
But though it's getting harder
I will not give up! I will feel the crunch!
I'm fighting the battle on 4 fronts
Yes: from North, South, East & West!
Trying to figure out this life
How to combat everything at best
I'm exercising at the pool
Doing the circuit gym as well
Taking all my supplements
It's amazing that I don't rattle: what the hell!
I'm using my will power
To resist temptation as it comes
I don't want to be a diabetic
Just like my hubby, bro & mum!
I'm taking Garcinia Cambogia
That new miracle tablet: so they say!
I listened to Dr Oz expound: it sounded great
I feel its working for me as well!
Then there are those VLCD diet shakes
Filling me up: feeling full!
Anything to stop myself from caving in!
It's working: I now have a waist
Where once there was a spare tyre
Still I look down to see my toes
I cannot find them yet
But I'll not give up this battle
I'll continue on until I find myself 
Somewhere underneath all this belly
Then I'll be happy within myself at last!
That's when I'll be getting on so well!

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