Friday 7 February 2014


My scars are on the inside: living there
A tiny part of my heart and soul: there they hide
My scars are the ones of a little girl
Though you cannot in reality see them
They have not healed as I had hoped
For they have erupted more than once
And I was unable to control them
Those feelings simply erupted and flowed
Just like a sea of boiling red-hot lava
Frustration and anger came from deep inside
Didn't even know I still retained them

For though the Lord has saved me
I still labour daily under those shadows
I am still sometimes that little child
The one that became a rebellious teen
The one that searched for love in vain
Never able to find that blessed place
Where I truly felt loved and welcome
Until I met my dearest Lord: he loves
Yes he loves me unconditionally
Doesn't care where these feet have trod
Still He cares and invites me: into His heart

There I have finally found my place 
Yes there I am and feel at home
Yes there I am truly saved by His grace!
He accepts and yes he loves me!

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