Saturday 8 February 2014

Good vibrations

I finally found a place to belong after many years of searching & being used & discarded along the way. You’ll never guess where I found this wonderful place? Right here in my heart! All I had to do was open up my heart to God & ask Him to come in! Angels helped me to find my place in the universe. It’s not just a place in this miserable little world: it encompasses so much more than what we know & understand. What we experience here is just a narrow view of a much, much greater universe! We are but a little speck of sand upon that 90 mile beach of life! We are like that tiny little flea upon the dog’s bottom! All we know is what we experience in our own little world. There is so much more than our little brains can conceive!

When we invite God into our hearts & lives we actually get a chance to experience something on a higher plane of existence! We are lifted up into a
much higher & even more beautiful vibration! A Totally new & beautiful experience which makes us feel like we don’t want to go back to our dreary little existence: our humdrum lives that we think are so full & exciting until we get a taste of paradise! I have visited a higher plane. It exists alongside of our very own much less interesting one but too often we are too tired or too negative to bother to leave behind all our cares & worries to even try to reach it! This is the state of Nirvana: the place of peace we all aspire to! All we have to do is meditate: ignore everything but our breathing & concentrate on changing our being: our vibration: to tune in on our Lord’s vibration.

When we get there it feels like everything is all sparkly & radiant: moving in a faster more perfect zone. That’s what it felt like to me! I felt like I was caught up in a whirlpool of motion & vibration unlike anything I have ever experienced before!

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