Monday 3 February 2014


Too many times we don't realise
How truly lucky we are: yes indeed!
Just yesterday: after conversations
With other mums I see how truly blessed
I have been in my life: though it's been tough
There have been so many wonderful things
Things that might be taken as "bad" but in reality
After reading "Unstoppable" by Nick Vujicic
I can only see them as blessings: God working
In my life to get me to where I can be of use to Him
Of use for the greater good: for everyone I meet!
We need to see each of our experiences 
In a different light: in a way that makes sense
Maybe not at the time it happened: but later
When it shows up as a "good thing" to learn from!
When it shows us that God has 
Been with us all the way through!
Watching over us to see how we handle it
To see if we will learn from our mistakes!

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