Thursday 13 February 2014


Saw a soothsayer at the Loxton show
I must admit it was so many years ago
She held her hands above my own
Said that she could see into my future, my past
So I sat & listened as she mentally trespassed
She told me of my clock watching: this
It's true: I always used to do!
She saw me counting money: plenty of it honey!
Said I'd have 5 children -well 5 pregnancies at least!
She even showed me the number of the beast
For I was thinking: where does this info come from?
Who rules this piece of semi-reality?
I can't remember much else but I suppose, that'll do!
For she was correct in all those things
Yes all of it was true: I had 5 pregnancies
Lost two of my babies: the other 3 are grown up
And I do admit: I used to watch that clock
Needed to know what time it was
When I got up? How much I slept?
Those crazy hours I kept
When my kids were young!
Isn't it just amazing how it all works out
For though we are so good: there is more out there!
Than even we realize: God up in heaven
Satan down here on earth: these two & their angels
Watch us from our birth:
The good, the bad, the ugly too
All keep an eye on you
Watching, waiting to see our path
Which we choose to go on: what to do?
Yes, they watch with bated breath
Ready to make their play
On & in & around our hearts & minds
Determined upon interfering some times
At others, just waiting to see how we fare?
Looking to see how far we dare
In seeking out our undertakings &
Waiting, anticipating
Ready to jump in at whatever moment
We are tempted by succumbing to sin!

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