Tuesday 4 February 2014

Saggy beds & sore backs

As a kid I had a pretty saggy bed
I mean it was pretty saggy
It was certainly not pretty: ugly actually!
Boring in reality: no fancy bed for me!
We had a bed to sleep in: functional, practical!
Certainly not comfortable: it sagged!
It sagged terribly: hurt me: hurt my back
Caused a lot of problems later on!
I had back-aches by the score:
Want to know some more?
When I had to share it with my friend?
There were major problems: no end!
Couldn't sleep properly together
Woke up feeling under the weather
I was cranky to Susie's mother
She thought I was being rude I gather
But I was complaining cos I was tired
Didn't mean to make her mad
I was just bitching about: it as I said!
I was glad we only had to share the once
For I was certainly worse off afterwards!

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