Friday 14 February 2014 Lord promises

My dear Lord has promised me so much
I was taken up by angels to look down upon this earth
I was shown so many wonderful things
My dear Lord has promised me wealth and much, much more
I wait upon His promises: they will come
When the time is right and not before
I was worried about how to get my poetry out
Into the whole wide world
My Lord said "Do not worry: they will come to you!"
Just as when I was taking the first lot of poems to the publisher
I said "But Lord I don't have a front cover photo!"
It was raining and the clouds just opened up and
The sun came out...that's how I got my photo!
Whilst at the publishers I said unto my Lord: in my head
(Worried about how I would pay for the printing)
"But Lord I don't have the funds!"
My dearest Lord replied "The Lord will provide!"
That's exactly what happened...
Two weeks later...whilst doing my phone banking
There was the exact amount...right there in my account!
Thank God for His promises: he is zealous of His work
Ask and ye shall receive! That is what I believe!

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