Sunday 16 February 2014

Renewing rain

We had bush fires just a month ago 
Burned our grasslands to the bone
Only rocks remained: dry dusty landscape
Desperate for a renewing drop: of rain
This week we've had so much water
Flooding down through those hillsides
The creeks overflowed: caused a deluge
My cellar is full of water once again
Frogs congregating: having a ball inflating!
It only seems a short while ago but
It's been three years: too soon for it
To happen all over again: I'm depressed
Who ever would have guessed
That here we are again: surrounded
By water: given no quarter: by this flood
I know I prayed for renewing rainfall
To help cover up those denuded hills
But dear Lord you sent too much!
I understand how nature works
The sun burns down upon our heads
Then refreshing rainfall comes again
To bring new growth: much needed 
I do agree but I did ask if you could please
Send some of this flood water up the road
Lake Moodie is still waiting: not appreciating
How much has come flooding overland to me!

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