Thursday 20 February 2014

Biblical plagues

We've had our fair share of Biblical plagues
There's been another little flood: just recently!
A month ago we had bush fires: passed us by
We prayed for the wind to change & it did!
3 years ago now we had that massive flood
Went right through our poor old home: literally!
There have been long, drawn out droughts
Where we have seen no rain for years: our tears
Those poor animals were dying for a drink: literally!
Mouse plagues were so horrible: they stink & writhe
Last year's crops were flattened by the wind so
We're headed for another of those: apparently!
I still remember when locusts came to eat everything
Every single blade of grass just disappeared!
Nothing was spared from their gnawing teeth
They were absolutely everywhere: no one was spared!
The blow flies are here every summer: no denying it!
I have no cattle to worry about so that's all right but
I hear those frogs still croaking in my cellar; just a few
The waters are still clear: hardly coloured with blood
And no-one has died as far as I know: thank God but
These times are a changing: more disasters occurring!
Everywhere we look at the news: the world is in turmoil!
Dear Jesus comes soon to take us home! A blessing!

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