Tuesday 18 February 2014

The Sower and the tree of life

A massive tree stands before me
Its branches full of birds at play
Some grow strong from lower down
Others soar into the azure sky above
Many branches are twisted and curved
Some are dry and rotting: yet to fall
Others stunted, broken: already dead
Green leaves vie with drier crumbling ones
A mistletoe lives and grows in strength
The bark is hard and cracked: peeling
Completely gone from other limbs
Ghostly white; splotched with grey
Many leaves lie upon the stony ground
They whisper in the warm breeze: as they fall
I marvel at this peaceful, majestic sight
For such is life as we live it
Some of us grow strong and tall
Others take the twisting turns of sin
Many have fallen along the way: lost unto the Lord
Others grow in strength; then crumble unto dust
Their only signs: their blackened stumps
This tree of life was once a seed
A tiny speck upon dear Jesus’ palm
The Sower chose to spread His seed thus:
Some here: some there
Sometimes it fell among the thorns and rocks:
Struggling to survive!
On occasion it fell to the birds;
Gone into their hungry bellies
Still yet: unto fertile soil
To grow apace and rise up strong:
A bountiful harvest unto the Lord!

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