Monday 10 September 2012

Rain is falling down (21 June 2012)

Rain is falling down from the skies
Knew it was coming 
'Cause I listen to the magpies
They sing their songs so melodious
To let us know what's in the clouds
God's creatures know what's happening
That's why they sing and sing!
We just have to listen in!
Hear their voices as they ring
So it is in these dark times
Angels sing like bells that chime!
Telling us to heed their cries
They await our call to them
They are Jesus' messengers!
It only takes a simple word
Hardly even has to be heard!
Yes; a little prayer is all it takes
They are ready to guide us on
Away from these terrible times anon
Yes; dear Jesus; Light of all the World!
Is waiting for that whispered call
When we will trust His words
And surrender all!

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