Thursday 21 November 2013

Its no accident

It's no accident that you are here
It's no accident that you are alive and living
The gift of life was God's: he gave it
The chance to live again in heaven
Is right there awaiting your acceptance
Such a simple thing it really is to say
Thank you dearest Lord for every day!
Jesus has already given His life for yours
What are you now waiting for Him to do: it is done!
The ball is in your court: He waits for you to take it
Just pick it up and toss it back: find the courage that you lack
Make your answer plainly: don't be so ungainly
Be grateful and graceful: accepting your eternal life is fateful
Jesus awaits your call: he awaits your all
He gave His and now it is your turn to return it
He gave His precious love: don't spurn it
Accept Jesus as your saviour tonight!

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